السعر مجاني أضف الي السلة
  • 1 طالب مشترك
  • 20 دروس فيديو
  • مستوي الدورة :
  • صلاحية مدي الحياة
  • امكانية الوصول من الاجهزة الذكية
  • 0 ملفات مرفقة للتحميل
مدرب Coursat
آخر تحديث
0 تقييم

ما الذي يتم تدريسه في هذه الدورة؟

أهداف التعلم

  • كورس تعليم Adobe Illustrator

المتطلبات الأساسية لهذه الدورة

  • لا يوجد
محتوى الكورس
The Complete Beginners Guide To Adobe Illustrator Tutorial Overview & Breakdown
Interface Introduction to Adobe Illustrator Ep1/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Panels & Workspaces in Adobe Illustrator Ep2/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Artboards in Adobe Illustrator Ep3/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Vector basics Selection & Direct selection tool & more Ep4/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Fill & Stroke effects in Adobe Illustrator Ep5/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Using Colour Swatches Pantone's Gradients & more Ep6/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
10 Handy Tips Things to know for beginners Ep7/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Creating shape vectors in Adobe Illustrator Ep8/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Grouping Compounding vectors & Using the shape builder tool Ep9/19 [Illustrator for Beginners]
Drawing with the Pen tool, Pencil tool & Brush tool Ep10/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
The Blob brush tool & Eraser tool in Adobe Illustrator Ep11/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Type tools in Adobe Illustrator Ep12/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Setting up a document Placing in a drawing / Sketch Ep13/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Image trace tool for sketches in Adobe Illustrator Ep14/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Tracing a hand drawn sketch & Converting to vector artwork Ep15/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Compounding vector shapes & strokes Pathfinder tool Ep16/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Colouring a vector drawing in Adobe Illustrator Ep17/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Adding type to a poster design in Adobe Illustrator Ep18/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
Prepare and export ready for print in Adobe Illustrator Ep19/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]
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